Three Tips for Summer Bird Feeding
Even though it's summer we can still enjoy our feathered friends at our feeders. While birds often decrease their feeder usage during...

Counting Birds Is Not Only Fun, It's Good For Bella Vista
The Bluebird Shed has coordinated two backyard bird counts recently, and I would like to do more in the near future. But this begs the...

Help Us With the New Bella Vista/Bentonville Christmas Bird Count
The Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has been taking place for over 100 years now. But it has yet to reach Benton County here in...

Backyard Birding - Recognizing Fledglings
It's that time of year when it can really be difficult to ID some birds. The reason is that fledglings (birds that have recently left...

Bird Feeding - Where Are All My Hummingbirds?
If you are wondering where your hummingbirds seem to have gone, fear not! It's nothing you are doing. In fact, most people are...

Backyard Birding: Baby Birds
Nesting season is upon us! The Bluebirds have been nesting for a couple of months and have already started their second brood. House...

Bird Feeding - Choosing the Right Hummingbird Feeder
Hummingbird feeders come in so many sizes, shapes, and types that it can be overwhelming when all you want to do is invite a little bird...

Bird Feeding - Hummingbirds Will Soon Be Here!
So when do our hummingbirds come back? According to www.hummingbirds.net, they have been sighted in central Arkansas and are making their...

Bird Feeding - A Window Feeder Brings Them Up Close
Until we opened the store, I didn't even know window feeders even existed. I had never even thought about trying to attract birds up...

Backyard Birding - It's Time to Set Up or Clean Out Your Bluebird Box
It's hard to believe that last week it was nearly zero degrees outside and I am going to talk about Bluebird nesting already, but I am. ...