Three Tips for Summer Bird Feeding
Even though it's summer we can still enjoy our feathered friends at our feeders. While birds often decrease their feeder usage during...

Bird Feeding - Where Are All My Hummingbirds?
If you are wondering where your hummingbirds seem to have gone, fear not! It's nothing you are doing. In fact, most people are...

Bird Feeding - Choosing the Right Hummingbird Feeder
Hummingbird feeders come in so many sizes, shapes, and types that it can be overwhelming when all you want to do is invite a little bird...

Bird Feeding - Hummingbirds Will Soon Be Here!
So when do our hummingbirds come back? According to www.hummingbirds.net, they have been sighted in central Arkansas and are making their...

Bird Feeding - A Window Feeder Brings Them Up Close
Until we opened the store, I didn't even know window feeders even existed. I had never even thought about trying to attract birds up...

Squirrel Busting: Is it Really Possible?
For those of us who love to feed birds, squirrels are often Enemy #1. Moreover, everyone seems to have an opinion about how to deter...

Bluebird Pudding: The Magical Treat
A common question I receive at the store is "What can I do to attract Bluebirds to my yard?" One of the easiest methods at this time of...

Bird Questions Answered - Where Did All My Goldfinches Go?
American Goldfinches are one of the jewels that frequent our bird feeders in Northwest Arkansas. With their bright yellow color and...

Bird Questions Answered - To Millet or Not to Millet
What is millet? White Proso Millet is a small whitish to yellowish seed that used to be the type of seed that was simply called "bird...

Bird Questions Answered - How Long Will Hummingbirds Be at My Feeders This Fall?
I receive this question quite a bit. The answer is "it depends". Let's first back up and answer a related question: Will my hummingbird...